Pierre Vanden Broeck graduated in architecture in 1983.L'Atelier d’Architecture Pierre Vanden Broeck was created in 1992.
Some statistics
Since its creation, l'Atelier has succeeded in diversifying its activities and exploring all architectural sectors: residential, offices, restaurants, retail, public buildings
This multidisciplinary commitment, continuously generating internal brainstorming, allows all architectural sectors to be studied, hence constantly resulting in new ideas and technical innovations.
Whatever the sector, the architectural concern is always the same: creating open and esthetic spaces, taking account of technical constraints in order to obtain the most harmonious volumes possible in function of the architectural program desired.
Designing new projects always comes back to a specific case with tailor-made ambitions.
It is therefore out of the question to try and work on some kind of 'copy and paste' base. Each project is a unique combination of location, client, program, budget and deadline.
With over 1250 projects studied, l'Atelier d’Architecture Pierre Vanden Broeck has acquired a strong and unique experience. Indeed, the number of projects and their diversity have made it possible to compile an exceptional data bank with precious records on unit prices and total costs of works for all types of projects.
This means that there is always a clear view on the time needed for the study of a project, for the administrative process and for the duration of the works.
These analysis criteria, being constantly updated, make our estimations and feasibility studies extremely precise and subsequently facilitate communication between landlords, tenants and real estate agents.
Consequently, respecting budgets and deadlines – both essential factors, especially in the retail sector – has made it possible to establish customers'loyalty for many years.